Moritz Götze

1964 born in Halle (GER). Works and lives in Halle.

Works are cre­at­ed like set phras­es and “leit­mo­tif”, which bear the style of the Old Mas­ters in mind.

Signed seri­graphs on paper, col­or draw­ings includ­ing found objects.

Rep­re­sent­ed by Foxx Gallery since 2006.

For biog­ra­phy of the artist please click here (PDF)
If you are inter­est­ed to see more, as we can not dis­play all works on the site, please send us an e‑mail.
The gallery has oth­er exhibits on show.

«Mäd­chen im Roko­ko­kleid», Seri­gra­phie, 100 x 70 cm

“Mäd­chen im Roko­ko­kleid”, Seri­gra­phie, 100 x 70 cm