Dominique A. Schuetz (DASCH)

1956 born in Win­terthur (CH). Works and lives near Zurich.

Rep­re­sents art deriv­ing from adver­tis­ing and con­nect­ed to satire and pop. DASCH stands for her ini­tials remem­ber­ing her for­mer work­ing field in marketing.

„Cov­er Girl“ Edi­tion was cre­at­ed exclu­sive­ly for Foxx Gallery. Silkscreen on alu­minum dibond in four colours (red, mint, orange, pink).

Rep­re­sent­ed by Foxx Gallery since 2002.

For biog­ra­phy of the artist please click here (PDF)
If you are inter­est­ed to see more, as we can not dis­play all works on the site, please send us an e‑mail.

Cover Girl (Red, mint, orange, pink), silkscreen on aluminium dibond, 100 x 70 cm

Cov­er Girl (Red, mint, orange, pink), silkscreen on alu­mini­um dibond, 100 x 70 cm