André Becchio

1969 born in Zurich in . Works and lives in Zumikon (ZH).

Today a mas­ter of pop­u­lar wood sculp­tures, Bec­chio dis­cov­ered his pas­sion for work­ing with the chain­saw rather by chance dur­ing a fur­ni­ture-mak­ing work­shop. As a career chang­er in arts and crafts, his tal­ent devel­oped into a vocation.

With his pre­ferred tool, Bec­chio cre­ates sculp­tures and play­ful-look­ing forms, fig­ures and crea­tures from tree trunks. Acrylic paint gives the works their final appear­ance. The artist works with ash, red­wood (from Switzer­land), maple, mag­no­lia and wal­nut. Although the view­er always wrings con­tem­po­rary dis­cours­es from the fig­ures, the main ingre­di­ent of Becchio’s works must not be for­got­ten: imag­i­na­tion, play­ful­ness and wit!

Rep­re­sent­ed by Foxx Gallery since 2014. Reg­u­lar exhi­bi­tions in the pres­ence of the artist.

If you are inter­est­ed to see more, as we can not dis­play all works on the site, please send us an e‑mail.
The gallery has oth­er exhibits on show.

Heile Berg­welt, 2021, Red­wood & Acrylic, plas­tic toys, 106 x 32 x 9 cm